29 Things to Know by 29

29 Things to Know by 29

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29 Things to Know by 29

Lexie Noelle Undem

About Life...

If I could go back in time and tell myself anything it would be these 5 things. 

  1. Life is going to work out differently than you thought, and that’s okay.
  2. You can be and do almost anything you want, truly.
  3. Never underestimate the power of kindness.
  4. Don’t ever burn a bridge you aren’t comfortable walking away from.
  5. Not everything is going to be easy, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be worth it.

About Friendships

Something I’ve learned in the last 7 years is that people can change, but it’s so important to remain true to yourself in your friendships.

  1. It’s okay to let go of friendships that are no long serving you.
  2. Not everyone is your friend for life, some people are your friend for a season.
  3. It’s never too late to make new friends. 
  4. You can have lifelong friends, so long as you both acknowledge that there will be periods of change in that friendship.
  5. Not everyone is your friend, some are just your acquaintances or interested in your drama.
  6. People will reveal their true nature. If you find yourself wondering if they are authentic, you probably already have your answer.
  7. It’s okay to have different opinions than your friends.
  8. It’s also okay to have different interests than your friends.
  9. You don’t have to like all of YOUR friends’ friends. 
  10. Some friendships are transactional, you both receive something that you need.
  11. Low maintenance friendships are irreplaceable. 
  12. It’s okay to “do nothing” together.
  13. Sometimes friends fight, and that’s okay too. 
  14. Don’t keep friendships with someone who is comfortable in the presence of those who seek to knock you down.
  15. Match energies in friendships, you will quickly see who is there for the long haul.


Lexie Noelle Undem
Lexie Noelle Undem

About Relationships

I have been so blessed to spend the last 9 years of my life loving my best friend but to say that it’s been an easy road would be the understatement of the decade. 

  1. You won’t always agree with your partner. It’s HOW you disagree that will dictate your relationship.
  2. It’s okay to have hobbies that separate you from your partner. 
  3. Learn each other’s love language, not just your own.
  4. You will grow and change, it’s important that you do so together. 
  5. Take trips and explore the world together.
  6. New experiences can make or break a relationship. Do them often, find out if the person you want to be with also holds that same desire for you. 
  7. Flirt with your partner, shamelessly. Never allow them to doubt your attraction.
  8. Be honest, in a loving manner. Some conversations need to be had, but the way you approach them can make a world of a difference. 
  9. Listen to address the other person’s topic or concern, not so that you can get your point across or redirect the conversation.

To My Loved Ones

This last year has honestly been one of the more tumultuous years of my life. I left a career I thought I would stay at forever, and found an entire new space in the online community. I traveled the world, met new friends in real life, and spent time healing my inner child. I started sharing more about my childhood and the hurts that I am not only working passed and healing, but also trying to prevent my daughter from falling into the same cycles. I have truly found my community, my love, and my support and I couldn’t do it without each and every special person in my life. I am SO thankful to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about me and love me, even when I am hard to love. 

So heres to the last year in my 20s, the year I bring our second baby earthside and complete our family. The year I continue to grow and heal and share my journey with those around me. Here’s to being loved, making new memories, but most of all here’s to God for gracing me with another year of life. 

Lexie Noelle Undem

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Lexie Noelle Undem

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