Its some BUNNYs first easter! Do you see what I did there?
Carolynn Rose is almost 11 months old, so no candy in her basket but I did want to share a bit of what she is getting this weekend to give you any last minute basket ideas. So many people had said that Easter snuck up on them this year, and if you are one of them hopefully this gives you some inspiration to go grab what you need.
Carolynn’s basket includes:
Bunny-rope basket
Flamingo hoodie towel
Cute, first real hair brush
Wooden pacifier clip
Rainbow teething toy
Easter books
And some cute new onesies for the spring!!
My parents always hid our Easter baskets in our house, one time I even found a basket in the shower hanging from the shower head. It was always a fun little activity Easter morning in addition to attending church with my grandparents.
Once she’s a little bit older we would throw some chocolate and jelly beans in there, too!
Tell me in the comments below if your family has any fun easter traditions!
Some blogger friends and I are teaming up to share some fun Easter Basket ideas! Follow our blog links for more inspiration!