
Growth Through Fear

We all like to feel safe, there is comfort in security and peace. But change, change is scary.

If we are living a life that is bound by others’ expectations, if we sit back and take a sideline seat to our lives, we might survive, maybe. But stepping out in fear, now that’s when something really beautiful truly happens. Faith plays a big role in my life, and I truly believe that God would never close one door without opening another.

We are in the season of the great resignation, we are in a time of spiritual awakenings. In my life, I have often settled for far too little than I deserved. I’ve been treated unfairly, unkindly, and unjustly. When I sat back and looked at where my life was going, how my walk with Christ was going, how my marriage and my parenting styles were going, and how my mental health was stacking up–my life was not headed where I wanted.

So I am stepping out in faith, but stepping out in fear–and that’s okay. I had been down this corporate path, I finished my Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership, but I constantly felt like I had something to prove. Whether that was to myself or someone externally.

Leaving a company that I thought I would spend my career at has felt a bit like leavin ga toxic relationship. Its so bittersweet, there was so much growth and change in my life during my tenure with my previous company.

Something that really hit me and I stuck with and I want to share with you:

We set the bar for the level of professional treatment that we accept, and I wasn’t willing to set my bar to the level of treatment that I had been given.

I am standing in the belief that this change is good for me, and that I will continue to grow, I will shine my light, and be the positive influence that I know I can be when I am not in a toxic work environment.

Picture of Lexie Noelle Undem

Lexie Noelle Undem

The Undem Family Adventures
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